Saturday, November 6, 2010

Did you just realize?

Did you just realize??

Did you just realize that where you are and what your doing is important to someone? I did. Every step I take these days is very carefully measured. Impactful when you realize that you are who you say you are. You affect others by words, body language and everything you do. My advice is to watch yourself. Carefully, you are responsible for how you treat other people. In the news, I read about something that I think is very wrong. In Meford Oregon, the school district has excluded a group of 15 special needs children from moving to the new high school. I was shocked when I read this. In this day and age when IDEA is fully recognized how can this be true? Medford superintendant Phil Long has been quoted as saying " That the old building has more opportunities for the steps children and is being remodeled and has more opportuinities for the STEPS kids."

I would like to respond to this statement by saying that the opportunities are exactly the same. Does that mean that the children who are at the new school have less opportunities? Superintendant Long has stated that busing the STEPS kids would be too expensive so they should stay at the old school. I wonder does keeping an entire school open, heated and staffed for 15 children less expensive? Does busing the children from the alternative school to interact with the STEPS kids not expensive? This is blatant discrimination. Lets call it like it is. These children are being segregated. Superintendent Long is hiding behind alot of words and his budget. Children with disabilities need and have a legal right to attend their neighborhood school with their peers. It is widely recognized that special needs students need typically developing peers to learn from. These children are segregated thus losing opportunities to develop. Bus them wherever you want Superintendant Long, it is still discrimination. Hide behind your own discrimination. But mark my words- The law will still be the law no matter what you call it. This issue is not about opportunity or a building. It's about the children. Stop calling them the STEPS kids. They all have names. They all have hopes and dreams and capabilities. They all deserve to be equal.

From My little Corner
Lisa O

The Sunny Spot

You asked- I answer. The name the Sunny spot. Where did this name come from. I am Sunny. That's my nickname. Actually it's Sunshine. I was named this as a kid because of my disposition. That's what I was told. My poor cousin was named Hot Lips and ironically she has lived up to that name. I like to go by Sunny if I have to go by this nickname. I actually prefer my other name Elle. I use it when I'm painting. It came from being told to sign my paintings and I didn't want to. So, one day, I just wrote Elle. Comes from the initial of my first name. But, back to the Sunny Spot question. I am Sunny and this is the spot where I share my thoughts on all sorts of things. It is my place or spot in the world where I can say anything. Well, almost anything....
I hope you enjoy all my ramblings, poetry, etc. and come back for more. I am moving articles from my column called My Little Corner and my other blog. I wish you all a fantastic Sunny Day! - From my little sunny corner. lol


Why do I love you?

Because I do. I tried not to but some things can't be helped.
I love you for all the things I am when I am with you and
all the things I am not when we are apart.
I love you for your smile, your eyes, your touch.
What you say and what you don't.
I love you in your silence or when you speak.
Your voice leads me places I never knew I would find myself.
I love you no matter where you are or how long it has been since
we have seen one another.
I love you simply, totally, completely.
you make me lose my senses, drive me crazy and its wonderful.
I want more of it.
You frustrate me and anger me sometimes with things I see and you don't.
you make me lose my mind, make my heart skip a beat, race, and feel like its g0nna explode all in 5 minutes or less.
you have complete control of my heart please don't break it.
I am crazy about you, sad without you, wanting you, but scared of you at the same time.
You have awakened in me things I did not know about myself. That i can become
completely lost just thinking about you.
That I am completely lost without you.
So treat me like you should, love me like I love you, and never ever let me go.

Love and Circumstance

They say there is safety in numbers

but baby my heart is only safe with one.

They say love is blind

but my eyes are wide open

They say look before you leap

but I've already left

They say there are no second chances

but, i'm taking one

They say love is not love without complete madness

I'm mad about you, totally mad.

They say absence diminishes small loves, but increases big one

I say that I have loved you for a lifetime

They say love is a debt you can never pay

I say pay-day is here

They say love that is in your heart was never meant to stay

I can prove that wrong. I'm staying.

They say love is an ocean of emotions

I say it's tumutulous and has lots of pull

I say I Love you and I mean it.

How long must I wait to be with you?

If home is where my heart is then I am lost looking for home.

They say love doesn't last forever

Baby I disagree. Cause forever is how long I plan on.

Love the ones you love

Why do we love the ones we love? If you had asked me when I was a child I would have had a completely different answer than today. When I was a child love was how I felt when my mom played tea party with me and I realized she never got tired of being the daddy. When I grew up I realized that even though my mom was not perfect, her love for me was. She loved me no matter what. Bad choices, no choices, stupid choices, she was always there. Now she is gone and sometimes I have grown-up problems that I would like to tell her about. I realize that life changes in an instant so we should grab the ones we love and hold on tight cause it could all change tomorrow. Love is loving someone no matter how far away they are. I realize today what love really is to me. Love is what awakens you in the middle of the night. Love is losing your mind, body and soul to another person. Love is what takes your breath away when that person says " I Love You" and means it. Love is putting the other person before your own needs. It is also being able to receive love. That is the part I have always had trouble with. I never feel worthy and I have no idea why. I have no problem sacrificing for someone else. Love can be the best and the worst feeling in the world. the tough part about it is when I have to make a choice that is going to hurt someone I hate it. I don't believe that I have been made to be that kind of person. So, many times I will not allow my own needs to be met because of my strong sense of right and wrong. I guess that too is a part of loving someone and putting their feelings before your own. Selfless love is the hardest when you give up something for someone else. Like we do for our children. We put our lives on hold for what we think will be in their best interests. We put off our own lives while we raise them and take care of them and we do this because we love them so much. I love someone completely. I can't explain it, but I do. It is the worst and the best feeling all at the same time. Completely crazy for him. Completely. There is no doubt about it. I am so blessed to be able to love someone like this in my lifetime. He loves me. He loves me. Its complicated but so easy too. That is love. Comes over you like a sneaker wave when your not looking, pulls you under and hold you there for a lifetime. No matter how far. I love him like no other ever could or will. It's not anything I can explain it just is. I will love him forever. He makes me feel totally complete. He doesn't even have to be next to me. But I want him to be. I have never felt this way about any person. It is different from the love I feel for my children. I don't want to waste any time. Love has many levels Parent and child, friend and lover. But, I believe love is the strongest bond and emotion we as humans can ever have. So we should't waste time. Love who you love just do it cause time moves on. I just want to say thank you to the man who has loved me all this time. I am not deserving of your love most of the time, but I am thankful for it. Thank you for waking me up, taking the time to show me that I am loveable despite all my inequities. Thank you for your gift. From my little sunny spot....may you all find love, peace and comfort in perfect imperfect love...

I am revitalizing this blog !

I am back on this blog and revitalizing it. Meaning, I am going to start writing here again and not on my other blog. So, I hope you like it and if you have a topic you want me to write about ask me.

Monday, December 1, 2008